Saturday, August 24, 2013

1.1 Introduction

ESL 115: Principles of Academic Writing

Fall 2013

Class: ESL 115 K 

Instructor: Jamie Hyeonji Choi

Time: 3:00-3:50 MWF 


Office: 3142 FLB

Office hours: TR 11:00-Noon

Today's lesson will be about:

1. Introduction

2. First Day Handout Overview

3. Orientation on Technology
Writer’s Help

4. Ice-breaking

5. Next Class: Diagnostic Test

*Fill out your preferred email address on google doc, Preferred Email Add

*Make a folder on your Dropbox and share it with me (
Name your folder as ESL115_FirstName_LastName.

*Upload your picture in the shared folder with me and name it, Picture1_FirstName_LastName.

*Purchase Writer's Help code and create an account. (Due on Aug, 28)
Your instructor's email is

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