Wednesday, October 9, 2013

2.5 Critical Thinking 2

Today’s lesson will be about:


Your will be able to do:
  1. Apply analysis skills from many angles to the solutions chosen for IRP Topic.
  2. Decide which of the three sources are best to focus on for doing research for IRP Topic.
Pre Research Portfolio
Check your topic and the organization in here (google.doc link).

Informal Early Feedback
Follow this link and do the survey. It will help me to understand what and how you think about this course so far. (IEF link)

Pre Research Portfolio
Complete Chart 1 from step 1—choosing a topic to step 4—three solutions.
Complete Chart 2. Write 1 or 2 sentences to answer for each question. 

*Write in full sentences. 
*Name the file, 2.0 Pre Research Portfolio.
*Upload it on Dropbox>>>Unit2. Pre Research Paper.
*Due date and time: Oct, 10 (Thur) 11:55 pm sharp.

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