Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Reflective Essay #1

Reflective Essay #1

For your first reflective essay, please consider and respond to the following prompt.

For your reflective essay, write about your experiences writing for different audiences. What kind of audiences have you written for, either in English or your native language? Depending on the audience, how did your writing strategies, language and motivation differ? Which kind of writing do you prefer and why? Is one audience more difficult for you than another? Why?
Please, try to answer for all questions above in your reflective essay #1.

Your response should be 300-400 words.
Be submitted in a Microsoft Word file on Dropbox in Reflective Essay folder, 12pt. font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, 1-inch margins on all four sides. 
Name it as Reflective Essay_YourFirstName. For example, my file will be named as Reflective Essay_Jamie.

Due date: Sep, 11 (Wed) before 11:55 p.m. sharp.
Due date has been changed. Please, double check!

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