Monday, November 11, 2013

4.2.2 Source Synthesis 2

Today’s lesson will be about:


You will be able to:
  • Review how to synthesize sources from the last lesson (Source synthesis).
  • Learn some expressions to use when synthesizing sources.
  • Practice critiquing and synthesizing sources.

SS Practice_Money and Happiness_Reading
SS Practice_Example Answer

Different Ways to Synthesize Sources
SS Practice2_Reading
SSPractice_Chart (Example Answer)

Based on what we have discussed on last and today’s lessons, complete your own Source Synthesis Chart with 5 sources. (Source Synthesis Chart)

*Keep these bullet points in mind!
  • Write full sentences to fill out the chart.
  • Ask yourself whether the sources agree/disagree to the main ideas.
  • Indentify the relations between main ideas and the information from the sources. (See Source Synthesis PPT2.)

*Name the file as “Source Synthesis Chart_Your First Name”
*Upload the file on Dropbox>>>Unit4. Individual Research Paper.
*Due date and time: Nov, 13 (Wed) Before the class starts, 3:00pm sharp. 

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