Friday, October 11, 2013

2.6 Thesis Statement for IRP

Today’s lesson will be about:


You will be able to do:
  • Explain the similarities and differences between the thesis statement for the diagnostic essay with the thesis statement for IRP.
  • Identify the dual purpose of IRP (critique and offer improvements).
  • Compose a thesis statement for IRP.

1. Warm-up
2. Review Thesis Statement
Thesis Statement PPT

(Argumentative) Newspaper Article:
How About Better Parents? by T. Friedman, 11/19/11
In recent years, we’ve been treated to reams of op-ed articles about how we need better teachers in our public schools and, if only the teachers’ unions would go away, our kids would score like Singapore’s on the big international tests. There’s no question that a great teacher can make a huge difference in a student’s achievement, and we need to recruit, train and reward more such teachers. But here’s what some new studies are also showing: We need better parents. Parents more focused on their children’s education can also make a huge difference in a student’s achievement.

 (Analytical) Journal Article:
The Facebook Paths to Happiness, by J. Kim & J. Lee, 2011
Since its debut in 2004, Facebook has achieved remarkable growth as one of the world’s leading social networking sites (SNSs). Among the 500 million active users of Facebook, college-age users (between 18 and 25 years old) constitute the biggest age group, accounting for approximately 30% of the total user population. It has been reported that college-age users dedicate approximately 28 minutes per day to Facebook, integrating it closely into their everyday lives. Although motivations behind Facebook use may vary, Facebook could not have achieved the popularity it currently enjoys had it not been able to provide users with some pleasure or psychological benefits. Documenting the beneficial effects of Facebook on young users’ lives, several studies have found a positive association between Facebook use and life satisfaction (e.g., Ellison et al. and Valenzuela et al.). However, how Facebook use contributes to psychological well-being has yet to be understood. To address this question, we will discuss the positive effects of Facebook friends, the correlation between self-presentation and subjective well-being (SWB), and the beneficial role of perceived social support using data collected from college-age Facebook users.

3. Thesis statement samples
(1) This paper will critique and offer improvements of three current solutions from the Paparazzi Initiative Reform to help celebrities protect their privacy: resorting to the legal amendment of anti-paparazzi statue, expanding the current media ethic codes, and turning cameras back on paparazzi.

(2) In other words, iPad could be harmful to children psychologically and physically. Therefore, parents should prevent children from being exposed to iPad for a long time.

(3) This paper analyzes several solutions provided by FMF to solve gender discrimination around the world, including building closer relationships with the government, stopping gender discrimination on campuses, and offering social services to those affected by discrimination. This paper will both critique these solutions and offer ways to improve them.

4. Write a Thesis Statement

5. Thesis Statement for IRP

1. Complete the thesis statement for your IRP on Pre Research Portfolio, Step 6.

*Name the file, 2.0 Pre Research Portfolio.
*Upload it on Dropbox>>>Unit2. Pre Research Paper.
*Due date and time: Oct, 13 (Sun) 11:55 pm sharp.

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