Thursday, September 12, 2013

1.7 Coherence

Today’s lesson will be about:


You will be able to:

  • Assess your own essays for your use of PIE structure and identify/revise weaknesses.
  • Understand the relationship of the communication model to KNO—specifically how coherence can assist in making match perception.
  • Identify the three types of information in academic writings.


Review Sample Paragraphs
PIE Handout
PIE Handout Answer

Self-Assessment and Revision
Open your diagnostic file, 1st Diagnostic_YourName.
Identify P-I-E-C in your body paragraphs. 
Closing Sentence


KNO Practice
Writer’s Help
Go to Writer’s Help and do an exercise:
Grammar Exercise2. Sentence Fragments 2

*Due date: Sep, 14 (Sat) at 11:55 p.m. sharp.

Engineering Activity #3
Look back your diagnostic essay with a new perspective, PIE structure. Write a paragraph about questions below.

  1. Copy and paste 1 body paragraph from the file, 1st Diagnostic_YourName, in Example Format.
  2. Identify one or two things you think are done well/ included appropriately.
  3. Identify one or two things you think you could work on. (Here, you can write about what part(s) you missed among P-I-E-C and how you want to change.)
  4. Then, revise a chosen body paragraph and highlight P-I-E-C with different colors.

*Must use Example Format.

*Write at least 10 lines (no more than 15 lines) in Your comment.

*Name the file as PIE structure (If you name it differently, I might not tell it.)

*Submit it on Dropbox in Engineering Activity.

*Due date: Sep, 15 (Sun) at 11:55 p.m. sharp.

Check All NAMES of your files on Dropbox.
I might not read your file if it is named differently. 

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