Wednesday, September 25, 2013

2.2 Choosing a Research Topic

Today’s lesson will be about:


You will be able to:
  • Understand the procedure of research paper.
  • Clarify causes and effects of your possible topics.
  • Choose one outline for your research paper.
  • complete a concept map for brainstorming before searching for sources.

Review Procedure of Research Paper

Pre-research Portfolio
Go to your Dropbox>>>Unit2. Pre Research Paper>>>2.0 Pre Research Portfolio.
Fill out Name, UIN and Course/Section, and save it.

Choose a Research Topic

Research Paper Outline
1. Complete Causes and Effects Handout. Highlight the most possible topics in yellow.

*Name the file causes and effects.
*Upload it on Dropbox>>>Unit2. Pre Research Paper.
*Due date and time: Sep, 26 (Thur) 11:55 pm sharp.

2. Complete a concept map with the most possible topic. (If you don't decide the most possible topic, you can do concept mappings for both of them and see which topic might be better for your IRP.)

*Do it on the printed-out paper.
*Don’t forget to bring a completed concept map to the library lesson on Friday.
*Due date and time: Before library lesson on Friday, Sep, 27.

Next Class

On this Friday (Sep, 27), we will have a Library Day at UGL 291. Come to UGL 291 with the completed concept map with you. Please, don’t be late. The lesson starts at 3:00 pm sharp. 

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