Unit3. Overview

Annotated Bibliography
This unit will help students evaluate and reflect on the sources that they find. Questions that they might address in their annotations are: What kind of information is found in this source? (short summary) How could I use this source in my paper? How do I know if the source is reliable? These questions should be answered in 200-300 words for each source, following an APA format. This should be done for the demo topic with two sources provided by the instructor and the Individual Research Paper (5 sources chosen by the student) to help students refine their research and analysis/evaluation skills.

IRP Annotated Bibliography (15% of Final Grade)

Topic: The sources for these assignment are the sources that will be used for the example demo topic and "individual" problem/solution research paper. Demo topic is "children obesity."

Type of Assignment: An annotated bibliography is used before writing the research paper. Its purpose is to force students to take time to comprehend their sources, and to consider its relevancy and reliability before deciding whether it is a useful, reliable source. An annotated bibliography also may lessen instances of plagiarism in the final draft of the research paper, since students have to fully understand the content of the source in order to write the annotation.

Task: Students write an annotation of 200-300 words for each source that they intend to use for their research paper. The annotation for each source should  have the following 4 components: 
(1) source listed in APA 
(2) a brief summary (4-5 sentences) 
(3) an explanation of its relevancy to the research topic/question (4-5 sentences)
(4) an evaluation of its reliability (2-3 sentences).

Formatting: Times New Roman, Size 12, Double-spaced, APA Reference page citations; the research topic or question should be included as the title of the document.

Sources: The two sources for the demo topic should be chosen and limited by the instructor. The five sources for the Individual Research Paper are chosen by the student. The annotated bibliography should be used by the instructor as an opportunity to reject any unacademic or unreliable sources before the students begin writing.

PlagiarismThe skill of summarizing should be emphasized in this assignment. It is recommended that the instructor writes summaries him/herself for the Demo Topic Annotated Bibliography entries to help identify summarizing problems that students are having. No quoting should be used in the annotated bibliographies. Since the instructor has the opportunity to actually read the sources for the two Demo Topic Annotated Bibliography entries, plagiarism should be easily identifiable.

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